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Moving home? You’ll probably need a locksmith

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Moving home isn’t easy. First, you’ve got to find a house, make an offer and then – if you’re fortunate enough to have your bid accepted – you’ve got to apply for a mortgage. Sadly, the hard part doesn’t end there. It’s more than likely that you might need the assistance of a locksmith before you can even think about getting settled in your new residence. With this in mind, here are three occasions when the trained professional might just come in handy.




You never can know who possesses a pair of keys when you move into a new property. The previous owners might assure you that they were the only ones, but there’s never any real way to verify this. Over time, the prospect of someone – whether it be a former tenant or a thief – letting themselves into your home is likely to weigh on your mind. You can put these negative thoughts to bed though by hiring a locksmith to change your locks and guarantee security in your house.




It can take a little exploring to discover where there are locks in your new home. After a quick wander around, you may discover that it’s not just the front and back door that require keys. Instead, there might be windows and other doors that feature locks. If you don’t have the correct keys to open these, a simple lock change should ensure access. All you have to do is contact a locksmith for help.




Even when you have the right keys, some locks may be old, worn or broken. In this case, a locksmith will be happy to update them for you with a lock repair or change so that you can focus all of your energy on other home improvements.


Home sweet home


If you’re looking for a Leicester Locksmith, JG Locksmiths should be your first point of contact in any of these situations. Our service will leave you relaxed, at ease and free to enjoy your new property.


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