As you may be aware nowadays the majority of doors and windows that we see are UPVC. Leicester locksmiths specialise in this type of door whether it be a simple lock change or something more complicated and frustrating like the door has jammed shut and the key and the handle are not working at all. if this is the case. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your locksmith Leicester UPVC expert.
Here at J G Locksmiths all our engineers are highly trained and up to date with their knowledge.Due to our fully stocked vans you’ll be able to find what you need for your UPVC doors and windows.This means that you do not need to buy a new door if the mechanism fails as here at your local Leicester locksmiths we can supply and fit new parts to get your broken door back to working order at a fraction of the cost of a new door. So no matter what door it is or what is wrong with it, please call your locksmith Leicester engineers now for immediate attention and free quote.
No matter what your lock or door issue you have please call your locksmiths Leicester engineer, we’re always at the end of the phone and we happy to help, and with a friendly customer focussed service you will always find the solution here. With the vast amount of knowledge and experience our local engineers have with regard to UPVC or composite doors your locksmith Leicester emergency engineer can and will be able to resolve any issues you are experiencing whether it be a simple door adjustment to allow your door to lock easily or a complete change of mechanism we are the locksmiths for you..
No matter what time of day or night if you are locked out or even in! please do not hesitate to get in touch with your locksmiths Leicester UPVC expert engineer who can complete all repairs or security upgrades that you may need.
Please call now for immediate attention 01163 400131